Friday, July 15, 2011


A woody plant is a plant that uses wood as its structural tissue.

Protein Fibrous

The keratin in hair is a fibrous protein. Fibrous proteins form rod-like shapes and are usually inert structural or storage proteins.


Insects are a class of living creatures within the arthropods that have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body, three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes, and two antennae

Annelid; Animal With Segmented Body

These worms are annelids. They are characterized by an elongated, cylindrical, segmented body. Leeches are also annelids. They have movable bristles called setae used as a sensory organ.

Anther and Filament of Stamen

This flower contains an anther and filament. The filament is a long tube and the anther is a sac on top of the filament where the pollen matures.


This moss is a bryophyte. It does not have the tissues xylem and phloem that circulate water and nutrients in vascular plants. Bryophytes live on land but are usually found in moist environments. They have free- swimming sperm that require water for transportation.


This lettuce contains cellulose. Humans are unable to digest cellulose because we don't have the enzyme necessary to digest it. For humans, cellulose is the fiber which aids in the smooth working of the intestinal tract.


Chitin is found on the outer skeleton of these shrimp. It is used in many functions of the shrimp. Chitin is used to produce chitosan, which is used as a wound healing agent, a sizing and strengthening agent for paper, and a delivery vehicle for pharmaceuticals and genes.


This wine is a result of alcoholic fermentation. Sugar is used to form ethyl alcohol, and a by product of Carbon Dioxide.

Thorn of a Plant

This rose bush has thorns on it. They are short, hard, pointed on a stem of a plant. The thorns may serve many functions to the rose.


Pollen contains the male gamete of seeding plants. It is a coarse powder and must be able to protect the sperm from outside conditions. Pollen is realeased from the style of a plant and taken in by the stigma of the same or a different plant.


This butterfly is an arthropod. It is an invertebrate, has an exoskeleton, and jointed appendages.

Woody Stem

The stem of this tree is covered in bark ("wood") this makes it a woody stem. Woody stems are not very flexible, but provide good support, structure, and protection.

Gymnosperm Leaf

These pine needles are gymnosperm leaves. The seeds of the pine tree are not enclosed in a fruit. Instead they are on the needles that it produces.

Scale of an Animal With a Two-chambered Heart

These koi have two chambered hearts because they are fish. There scales help protect them against some predators.

Gymnosperm Cone

This pine cone's seeds are not enclosed inside the plant's ovary. Instead they are on the outside of the cone, making it a gymnosperm cone.


This lantana is an example of an autotroph. It is able to produce its own food from photosynthesis.

Fibrous Protein

These beans are fibrous proteins. They are used by the body to form connective tissue, tendons, and bone.


This ivy becomes a parasite as it grows on a tree. It roots into the tree and steals its nutrients.


Keratin is a fibrous protien that assembles into fibers. Keratin is an unsolvable, tough tissue that makes up hair, nails, the outer layer of skin.

This ant is an insect. An insect is under arthropods. They have six legs, and 3 segments of their body: head, thorax, and abdomen. They also must have compound eyes and and two antennas


This is the heartwood of a juniper. It is the rich brown color at the center of the wood. It is believed to be dead and becomes structural.

Epithelial Tissue

My hand is covered in epithelial tissue, and so is my entire body. It protects my bodies internal organs and helps me secrete, feel, absorb, and clean my body.


These beetles all have exoskeletons to contain their organs. The exoskeleton also provides structure for the organism.

Woody Stem

This pine tree trunk is an example of a woody stem. It has been growing for 2 years or more and can now support the life of the tree, and be called a woody stem.

Conifer Leaf

Conifer Leaves are leaves are non-deciduous and do not have branched veins. They are generally designed in needle/narrow shape to sustain water levels. (Conifer on left and deciduous on right.)


Broccoli is a fibrous carbohydrate because it contains high amounts of dietary fiber which is essential for proper digestion and excretion. Fibrous carbohydrates also have many essential vitamins.

Calvins Cylcle

The Calvin cycle is a process of turning CO2 and other carbon-chained molecules to create glucose and other sugars. The process mainly occurs in leaves and at night.


This spider is an arthropod by its exoskeleton, segmented body, and jointed appendages

Amniotic Egg

This birds nest contains amniotic eggs laid by a bird. The amniotic egg provides a safe environment for the amniote to grow and mature.

Adaptation of a Plant

This plant has adapted over time by developing thorny leaves to help ward off predators and stop them from eating it.


Rachael and I are endothermic because we maintain our own by heat is different ways such as metabolism, shivering, and sweating.


this is a WOODY STEM. it is the trunk of a small tree. it is made up of cellulose and lignin


this is a HERBACEOUS STEM because it looks and functions like a leaf


this is a XEROPHYTE because it is a plant adapted for life with limited water supply


this meerkat has CONNECTIVE TISSUE which is the tissue that connects, protects, and surrounds organs in its body


this is a wood stem, therefore it is made up of XYLEM which is a primary component of wood.


this plant has THORNS which are modified plant organs that are stiff and end in a point


this adorable little elephant:) is a EUKARYOTE because it has multiple cells that each have a membrane enclosed nucleus and membrane enclosed organelles


my hair has is made up of KERATIN which is a primary protien that makes up hair, nails, and skin


this flower is an AUTOTROPH because it uses the sun to produce its food internally using photosynthesis


this flower has POLLEN which is the powder substance shed by anthers of plants. it is used to help plants produce flowers


this bee is an INSECT because in the adult stage it is a 6 legged anthropod that has a segmented body and an exoskeleton

this is a picture of THE CUTICLE LAYER OF A PLANT. the cuticle layer of a plant is the waxy coating that helps prevent dessication, which is when the plant loses its water to air.


ECTOTHERMS use the external environment to maintain a stable body temperature, like this tortoise


this bee is a POLLINATOR because it spreads pollen from one plant to another in order to pollinate them so they can bloom.


This is a picture of an ENDOTHERM because, even though i look pretty rough and am in my pajamas, my body is warmed by heat that is generated by metabolism. the heat is used to maintain a normal body temperature.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Littoral Zone Organism

This is a southern stingray. In oceanography and marine biology, the littoral zone is extended roughly to the edge of the continental shelf. Inside of this region is the southern stingray. These stingray are found in the tropical and subtropical waters of the western Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean, and the Gulf of Mexico. They make their home in shallow coastal waters. Normally southern stingrays bury themselves in the sand with only their eyes visible. These rays are one of the only species of rays to stay in such shallow water. Occasionally the rays can be seen in deeper waters, but they will mostly be found in 1 to 40 meters.

Radial Symmetry

This starfish is an example of radial symmetry. Radial symmetry is when an organism has a basic body plan in which it can be divided into similar halves by passing a plane at any angle along a central axis.

Stigma & Style of Carpel

On the tip of the flower is a stigma and style, of a carpel. A carpel is the ovary, stigma, and style combined. The stigma is what catches the pollen and the style connects the stigma to the ovary.