Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer At Last

Hi Guys & Gals,
I am hearing from you all slowly but surely! I hope everyone who enrolled will stick with it through the summer. I know this whole task seems daunting but trust me- it WILL be worth it!

Now, just to give you a few instructions on blogging. If you haven't figured out yet exactly what this is all about, it is an easy way for us all to communicate and share ideas with one another. Not only can you contact me through this site, but you can keep in touch with one another. When you log into blogger, there are several easy tutorials on how to post, add pictures, etc. All you really need to do is click on "New Post", create a title and type in whatever you want to say. You can also just add something to a thread someone else has started by clicking on "Add to this Post". Remember: We can ALL read your posts so please refrain from posting anything inappropriate or that you don't want to share with everyone! If you need to communicate with me personally, just shoot me an email.

About pictures, when you click on "New Post" and your posting screen pops up, there is a picture icon at the top of the box close to the right. (beside spell check) It will say "Add image". Be sure you have downloaded your pictures from your camera onto your computer before doing this. When you click on this, a new screen will open and you can "Browse" your files to find the picture you want to add. It's alot like attaching a Word doc to an email. It will also say "Add another image" at the top left of this screen so you can add all 10 pictures at once or just one at a time. Don't forget to type a short description of how your photo represents the vocabulary term you chose.

I am SO excited about this assignment and I hope you have fun working on it! Play around with the blogging and we will all get used to it. Again, just let me know if you need some help!

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