Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cuticle layer of a plant

The cuticle layer of a plant is the waxy coating that helps prevent desiccation which is when plants lose water to air. These leaves have just that.


This millipede is an example of an arthropod because it is an invertebrate that has jointed limbs and a segmented body with and exoskeleton made of chitin.


This yellow jacket is an example of a pollinator because it carrys pollen from flower to flower as it feeds on the flower's nector.

Muscle fiber - Striated

My leg is an example of this because it is an elongated contractile cell under control of the somatic nervous system


Are seed-bearing plants such as Conifers, cycads Ginkgo, and gnetales. Seeds are on either surface of scale or leaf like appendages of cones or at end of short stalks.

scale of a two chambered heart animal

fish have two chambered hearts, built for them because they spend all their time in the water so it fits for them


A gastropod is a class of mollusks which typically has a one-pieced coiled shell and a flattened musclular foot with head bearing stalked eyes. Some examples of gastropods would be snails, whelks, and in this case, slugs. This slug is an example of a gastropod.


This cactus is an example of an xerophyte because it doesnt need a lot of water.

Tendril of a plant

The top of this vine is called a tendril. It's called a tendril because it is the slender appendage of a climbing plant that has streched out and wrapped itself around my porch.

Pine Cone-Female

This pine cone is a female pine cone because it has ovules, which when fertilized by pollen become seeds. These may eventually grow into a new tree.


I took a picture of myself breathing onto a leaf because it represents how the carbon dioxide from my body helps the plant live and the oxygen from the plant helps me live. This would be considered mutualism.


My arm contains striated muscle fibers which connect to both ends of my bone to move my arm to and fro. The muscles are characterized by transverse stripes.


The leaf of a Gymnosperm would be a pine needle because a gymnosperm is a plant that has seeds unprotected by an ovary or fruit. This pine tree contains many gymnospermic leaves.


This picture has a tree cut into parts in it. With the tree cut like this, you can clearly see what is called the "heartwood" of the plant. Heartwood is the dense inner part of a tree trunk.


This picture contains a frond which is the leaf or leaflike part of a palm, (in this case) a fern, or some other similar plant.


This dead cicada molted when it matured. The old skin is called the exoskeleton, which is a rigid external covering for the body of some invertebrates animals.

Abscisic Acid

The root of this plant contains abscisic acid. This helps with processes in the plant such as budding and growth.

Adaptation of an Animal

My cat had adaptations of an animal because he has big ears that give him super sensitive hearing. With this adaptation, he can hunt all the insect and lizards with ease. (:

Friday, August 12, 2011


This cactus is a xerophyte. A xerophyte is a plant that is well adapted to an arid, or dry, climate.

Dicot plant with flower and leaf

The jalepeno plant in this photo is a dicot because it is a flowering plant that has two embryonic seed leaves.

Muscle Fiber - Striated

Striated muscle fiber is an elongated contractile cell in striated muscle tissue. My leg is a striated muscle fiber.


Meristem is a region of plant tissue found chiefly at the growing tips of roots of plants like this one and shoots in the cambium, consisting of actively dividing cells forming new tissue.


My sister(a mammal) is a K-strategist because she has a long life expectancy and her offspring will require extensive parental care until they mature. Some k-strategist are humans and other large organisms such as whales, but also smaller, like long-lived organisms such as artic terns.

Muscle Fiber- Striated

Striated muscle fibers are elongated muscle cells that make up skeletal muscle. Different form exist ranging in contraction times, amount of mitochondria per cell, and other things. my calve muscle has striated cells connecting it to the bones in my leg.


These weeks are examples of r-strategists because they reproduce quickly compared to R-strategist. They do not generally care for their young, they are small, have short maturity times, and their offspring are able to disperse quickly.

Vascular Plant Tissue

A cycad is a vascular plant which has vascular plant tissue which is the supportive and conductive tissue in plants, consisting of xylem and phloem.


A rhizome is a vertical stem that is under the ground. Rhizomes often have roots coming off of them. Some rhizomes grow enough to make a new plant. These weed shows a rhizome with roots and it's above ground stem extending from it.


Heartwood is the dense inner part of a tree trunk, yielding the hardest timber.

C4 Plant

A C4 plant is a plant in which the CO2 is first fixed into a compound containing four carbon atoms before entering the Calvin Cycle of photosynthesis. Corn is a C4 plant.

Dicot plant with flower & leaf

Dicots include nearly all our trees, bushes, vegetbale-garden plants (not corn), and most of our wildflowers.

Thorn of a Plant

This plant has thorns. The thorns can serve has a defense mechanism.

Epithelial Tissue

Epithelial tissue covers the whole surface of the body. It's made up of cells closely packed and ranged in one or more layers.

Adaptation of a Plant

This plant has adapted through time to grow thorny leaves to keep predators from eating it.

Cuticle Layer of a Plant

The cuticle is a non-cellular protective layer covering the outer cell layer (epidermis) of the green, aerial parts of land plants.


Chitin is a long-chain polymer of a N-acetylglucosamine, a derivative of glucose, and is found in many places throughout the natural world. It is the main component of the cell walls of fungi, the exoskeletons of arthropods such as crustaceans, and insects.

Gymnosperm Cone

The gymnosperms are a group of seed-bearing plants that includes conifers and cycads (like the one in this picture). Gymnosperm seeds develop on the leaf-like appendages of cones.


Pollen is a fine powder produced by certain plants when they reproduce. Pollen is transferred from flower to flower as the one shown in this picture.


A plant of the bryophyta, a division of photosynthetic, chiefly terrestrial, nonvascular plants, including the mosses (like the moss in the picture), liveworts, and hornworts.

Pine cone-female

This is a female pine cone. The females carry the seeds and are pollenated by the males who carry the pollen while the female carries ovules (eggs).


The phloem is part of the vascular system of a plant. As a plant undergoes photosynthesis a concentration of products such as sucrose and glucose build up in leaves such as this of an elephant ear. The sugars diffuse into the phloem and are transported wherever needed in the plant.


Mutualism is an interaction between two or more different species, when all species involved receive a benefit. Ants like these get nectar from flowering plants and in return protect the plant from being eaten by other insects and predators.

Modified root of a plant

This oak tree has modified roots specified to keep it well anchored in the ground. While good for the plant, it becomes a hassle when they grow in unwanted places because even when very young they are secured to the ground.

Long-Day plant

Long-day plant need fewer than a certain number hours of darkness/more than a certain number of hours of sunlight to bloom. For us most bloom in late spring through early summer. Long-day plants include lettuce, peas, turnips, oats, barley, and wheat.

Fruit-Dry with seed

These peanuts are dry fruits. These fruits are seeds shelled by a hard case. Only with the shell can they correctly be called nuts.


These are leaves of a Juniper. Junipers are gymnospers along with conifers and ginkgoes. Gymnosperm seeds come for cones or off of their leaves.


My cat is a K-Strategist because he (like most mammals) have few young, care for them, and their ultimate goal is for their offspring to be able to successfully compete with others for limited resources. Other characteristics include large bodies and long life span.

Flower and Leaf of a dicot

Marigolds are dicots. Dicots are a class flowering plants whose seeds contain two beginning embryonic leaves. You can distinguish a dicot from a monocot because dicots generally have branched veins and have 2 leaves when they are first visible out of the dirt.

Tendril of a plant

A tendril is a specialized stem or leaf used for support. Most are found on vines or other climbing plants


Many dogs, cats, people are susceptible or carriers of nematodes (roundworms). Nematodes include worms such as heartworms, roundworms, tapeworms, pinworms, whipworms, and others

Genetically Modified Organism

Most tomatoes bought at grocery stores are GMO's (genetically modified organisms). They been engineered to last longer and to stay firm for importing/exporting purposes and for the convenience of the customer.